
About Silicium

Abelt is a chemically active element; therefore, it is not found in nature in elementary form. Nevertheless, it exists in plants, which means biosystems are able to extract it, but they spend a lot of energy for this.


«No organism can exist without silicon, it looms in the universe as an element with exceptional significance»

Academician V.I. Vernadsky

Abelt is a chemically active element; therefore, it is not found in nature in elementary form. Nevertheless, it exists in plants, which means biosystems are able to extract it, but they spend a lot of energy for this.

Silicon in nature and in plants. The
uniqueness of silicon.

The belt performs a surprisingly large number of functions in plant life, and is especially important in stressful conditions. The role of silicon can be compared with the role of secondary organic metabolites that perform protective functions in plants.
Silicon is accumulated by plants in amounts that often exceed the absorption of the main macroelements (N, P, K). The range of silicon concentrations in plants is much wider than other nutrients.
Silicon in plants is distributed extremely unevenly. Studies have shown that plants can absorb low – molecular – weight silicic acids and their anions not only through the root system, but also through the surface of leaves, if they are sprayed with silicon – containing solutions. It is important to note that the absorption of silicon by leaves is about 30–40%, while through the root system it does not exceed 1–5%.
Silicon in the leaves is deposited in the form of a layer with a thickness of 2.5 μm in the space immediately below the thin (0.1 μm) layer of the cuticle, forming a double cuticular-silicon protective layer on the surface of the leaves. In addition to this, silicon accumulation also occurs in the epidermis and in the conducting tissues of the stem, leaves, roots and shell of the grains. These accumulations of silicon allow plants to survive under the influence of abiotic and biotic stresses.

Silicon in nature and in plants. The
uniqueness of silicon.

Silicon transport in a plant.

The research results indicate the presence of a mechanism in plants that provides an active
and rapid redistribution of silicon over plant tissues. In this case, the transfer of Si goes to
tissues that are more susceptible to stress or disease.

The functions of silicon in a plant.

The positive role of silicon in stimulating the growth and development of many plants is generally recognized – silicon has a significant impact on their growth and development, increases productivity and improves product quality. Moreover, the positive effect of silicon is especially noticeable in plants under stressful conditions.
Silicon gives plants mechanical strength, strengthens the walls of epidermal cells and prevents lodging, providing rigidity to various plant organs. It is proved that silicon in optimal doses promotes a better metabolism in the tissues of nitrogen and phosphorus, and increases the consumption of boron and a number of other elements; provides toxicity reduction of excessive amounts of heavy metals. Optimization of silicon nutrition of plants leads to an increase in leaf area and creates favorable conditions for the biosynthesis of plastid pigments. Under such conditions, plants form stronger cell walls, as a result of which the risk of lodging of crops, as well as damage by their diseases and pests, is reduced.
One of the important functions of the active forms of silicon is to stimulate the development of the root system. Studies on cereals, citrus fruits, vegetables, and forage grasses have shown that with an improvement in the silicon nutrition of plants, the number of secondary and tertiary roots increases by 20–100% or more. Silicon nutrition deficiency is one of the limiting factors in the development of the plant root system. It was found that the optimization of silicon nutrition increases the efficiency of photosynthesis and the activity of the root system.

The role of silicon in the formation of stress resistance.

The role of silicon in plants, primarily in protecting against adverse environmental influences – both biotic and abiotic.
When grown in artificial favorable conditions, plants practically do not need silicon. But access to the real world dramatically changes the habitat of the plant: pests, pathogenic fungi, drought and heat – these are just some of the dangers surrounding plants in the field.
Silicon performs its functions in two ways: by polymerizing silicic acid, which leads to the formation of amorphous hydrated silica, and playing an important role in the formation of organic protective compounds.
Plants that store silicon well are in a better position because this element increases stress resistance. If we want to increase the stress resistance of the plant, it is necessary to provide the plants with silicon, regardless of whether these plants are monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous. The value of silicon is especially evident in rice: a low concentration of Si leads to a significant decrease in yield and rice quality.
As you know, plant stresses are usually divided into two types: biotic and abiotic.
Plants have two main methods of protection: physical and chemical. Physical protection implies the presence of spikes, spines, a strong epidermal layer, etc. Moreover, this “armor” of many plants is silica accumulated in the cell walls. There is plenty of evidence that it is silicon that plays an important role in protecting plants from pests. Hardening of cell walls by biomineralization of silicon compounds is one of the mechanisms by which this protection is carried out. It acts as a physical barrier to insects, pathogens, and sometimes herbivores.
Chemical protection is much more complicated and the plants do a great job – synthesize for this purpose a huge amount of “secondary metabolites”, compounds that are not vital in the metabolism of a plant, but which play a role in adapting and counteracting environmental conditions. These substances affect the interaction of plants and organisms living in the environment of the plant: insects, fungi, microbes, viruses.

Silicon fertilizers.

– an effective way to deal with various plant stresses (both biotic – pests, fungal and bacterial diseases, and abiotic – drought, high and low temperatures, lodging, salinization, UV radiation, etc.). Numerous studies have shown that silicon is effective in combating diseases of the fungal and bacterial nature in various plant species. For example, Si increases the resistance of rice to a wide range of pathogens of fungal diseases (Fusarium, etc.) and reduces the incidence of powdery mildew in cucumber, barley and wheat. The positive effect of silicon is clearly shown in the figure. The first signs of the development of the disease were observed on control plants (Si-) 5 days after mildew infection. The disease progressed rapidly and after 5 weeks the control plants were highly infected (infection score = 3.71). On the other hand, for Si + plants, the degree of infection was very small even after 5 weeks — the average infection score was 0.41. The results of this study convincingly prove that silicon provides effective protection of wheat against powdery mildew, which confirms numerous observations of the positive role of silicon in resisting fungal infections in monocotyledons.

The effect of silicon (Si) on rice growth and yield.

The effect of silicon (Si +) on the development of powdery mildew on the leaves of wheat A is a leaf without artificial infection of the flour. with dew. B – leaf artificially infected with starchy. dew (Si +). C – leaf artificially infected with starchy. dew (Si -).

(a) rice plants with low Si are susceptible to insect attacks,
(b) at a low level of Si in the grain – a color change is observed due to infection by several fungal pathogens.
“- Si”: The silicon content is 0.48% in shoots and 1.44% in grains,
“+ Si”: The silicon content is 4.21% in shoots and 8.05% in grains.
Silicon also increases the resistance of plants to insect pests. The figure shows that plants with low silicon levels are susceptible to insect attacks.

An analysis of the data indicates that the plant uses moisture more productively when active forms of Si are introduced. It is known that 20-30% of the silicon contained in the plant can participate in the process of supporting the internal reserve of water, and this is one of the mechanisms that allows plants to survive in conditions of acute lack of water. One of the factors that increase drought tolerance is the ability of silicon to reduce transpiration and change the angle of inclination of plant leaves, providing a lower level of moisture evaporation and an increase in the antioxidant potential of the plant. Silicon significantly affects the cooling of plant leaves. Silicon leaf treatment relieves heat stress at high temperatures and significantly reduces leaf temperature by 3-4 ° C. It has been established that after silicon leaf treatment in the epidermis, biosilicon structures are formed. Thus, foliar application of silicon is a promising and environmentally friendly method of increasing drought and heat resistance of plants. There are also studies proving the significant role of silicon in the formation of frost resistance of plants, in particular winter wheat. Silicon also reduces the harmful effects of UV radiation. The protective role of silicon in plants is the thickening of the epidermal layer, the increase in chemical resistance of DNA, RNA and chlorophyll molecules, the functional activation of cellular organelles, the optimization of transport and redistribution of substances within the plant, etc. It is also assumed that there is some general universal mechanism for increasing their resistance to stress. This mechanism is due to the ability of polysilicic acids to carry out directed catalytic synthesis of organic substances (stress enzymes, specific and non-specific antioxidants or intermediate compounds that are necessary for the metabolic synthesis of these molecules) under normal conditions.
Silicon increases the level of resistance of plants to any stress and does not have a toxic effect on the body. Thus, the main function of silicon in a plant can be an increase in the body’s resistance to adverse conditions, expressed in thickening of epidermal tissues (mechanical protection), acceleration of the growth and development of the root system (physiological protection), binding of toxic compounds (chemical protection), and an increase in biochemical resistance to stress (biochemical protection, reducing the effects of high temperatures (thermal protection). A variety of plants that demonstrate a positive response to the introduction of compounds of cre Niya, argues that all of these mechanisms are typical for kremniefilov and for nekremniefilov).


Wheat, Barley, Rye,

Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Silicon has a significant effect on growth and development, increases productivity and improves product quality, betrays plants mechanical strength and prevents lodging, promotes better metabolism of nitrogen and phosphorus in tissues, potassium increases consumption of boron and a number of other elements; provides toxicity reduction of excessive amounts of heavy metals.


Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Silicon gives plants mechanical strength and prevents lodging, increases the resistance of rice to a wide range of pathogens of fungal diseases (fusarium, etc.), increases yield, rice quality, and the yield of a whole kernel.


Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

With an improvement in the silicon nutrition of plants, the number of secondary and tertiary roots increases by 20-100% or more, increasing the activity of the root system and the efficiency of photosynthesis. Silicon affects the yield, improving the structure of the crop, the size of the basket, the number of seeds made in the basket, the weight of 1000 seeds, increases the yield of the 38+ fraction by 5-8% and 45+ by 2-4% (confectionery grade). Increases oil yield (oilseed grade).


Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Silicon is necessary for the formation of mechanical tissues of leaves, stems, and additional supporting roots, which provide an improvement in the moisture supply of corn and an increase in productivity and drought tolerance.


Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Silicon is involved in the process of supporting the internal reserve of water, increases drought tolerance, reduces transpiration and changes the angle of inclination of plant leaves, and increases resistance to stress. Silicon affects the number of beans, the number of seeds per plant, the mass of 1000 seeds, and increases the protein content.

sugar, canteen

Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Silicon affects the growth and development, improves the supply of plants with phosphorus and potassium, which, in turn, along with silicon increase the overall productivity and sugar accumulation in beet root crops, favorably affects resistance to diseases and pests.


Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

The use of silicon forms a powerful root system and rosette leaves, the number of seeds increases, the mass of 1000 seeds protects against frost, from evaporation, soaking, bacteriosis of the roots, powdery mildew.

Peas, chickpeas,
lentils, beans

Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Silicon increases the number of nodules, thereby increasing photosynthetic activity during the growing season, affects the increase in the height and green mass of peas, the number of beans, the number of seeds, the weight of seeds, and the weight of 1000 seeds increase. Reduces the intensity of development of root rot, ascochitosis, rust.


Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.


Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.


Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.


Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Tomato, Pepper,

Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Cucumber, zucchini,

Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Onion garlic

Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Carrots, radishes, horseradish,

Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Strawberries, strawberries,
raspberries, currants

Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Fruit crops

Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.

Watermelon, melon,

Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.


Each application scheme can be adjusted taking into account the technology of growing crops on the farm, the planned yield and other factors.